Directional Signage: An Essential Part of a Commercial Office Building

Many office buildings are large, complex, and sometimes difficult to navigate for guests or customers. It is often left up to a receptionist to offer guidance and assistance, which can be very time-consuming. Using effective indoor signs and elements can free up your staff and help them provide more important support.

Whether you’re a visitor or a staff member, few things are more frustrating than getting lost in the office. That’s why it’s important to clearly mark all areas of the office, including offices, conference rooms, break rooms, smoking zones, restrooms and delivery zone areas.

The informational signs of a building are the most critical type of wayfinding signage. These can include a directory sign with individual office or department listings, detailed building maps and signs for elevators and stairwells. Additionally, safety and security signage can include reminders to observe social distancing in the event of an emergency as well as local and county fire ordinances for public buildings.

The best way to make your business appear modern and up-to-date is by using digitized wayfinding systems. These digital displays are incredibly easy to update as employees move around or locations change. This makes it easier to give visitors the correct directions and provides them with an immediate impression of your business.

While it’s true that exterior displays bring people in, it’s interior signage (along with a well-rounded customer experience) that keeps them around. Having attractive and helpful displays throughout your building helps visitors learn about your business, discover useful information, and navigate it with ease.

If your commercial building is subject to ADA compliance requirements, then you’ll need to display informational signs that follow specific guidelines. This includes signage that notifies individuals with mobility limitations of the location of wheelchair-accessible restrooms, elevator banks, and exits.

Ideally, these ADA-compliant signs are conspicuously mounted at a height between 48” and 60”. This ensures that the letters and symbols are easily visible for both sighted and visually impaired persons. They should also be designed and fabricated in colors, fonts, sizes, and shapes that are easy for Braille readers to understand.

While office building work might seem like a breeze compared to working on an oil rig or in a factory, it’s important that employees understand and follow health and safety procedures. These protocols include maintaining a clean workspace, ensuring access to fire escapes is not blocked by furniture or other objects, and enforcing education on emergency action plans.

Adding interior signage to your building can help to promote these protocols and make sure all staff know how to proceed in an emergency situation. Indoor Signs from Mello Signs can highlight important information such as exit routes, where to meet after evacuation, and other key pieces of safety data.

Another type of interior signage for offices are lobby signs, which can be an eye-catching way to show your company’s branding. Custom directional signs, floor number signs, and other types of lobby signs can help to add structure and organization to your property. Additionally, fabric light boxes are a great option for adding an attractive and engaging element to your space.

Branding is important in every business and incorporating your company logo into interior signage is one of the easiest ways to do it. Not only does this look great but it also reinforces your brand and helps potential customers remember it.

Directional signs (also known as wayfinding signage) are an essential part of any commercial office building. They help people navigate the building from the parking lot to their specific room or office. This includes directing people to the restrooms, main lobby, specific offices in multi-tenant buildings and more.

Directory signs, also referred to as mounted building directories, are another form of directional signage that’s becoming increasingly popular for offices. These are often made out of acrylic panels and can be backlit for an added visual element. They are a great choice for businesses looking for a more elegant or sophisticated appearance. They can also be used as a way to dress up lobby areas.

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